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1.1 International President
a. The international president of the BLACK WASP MC is the core leader and upmost representation of the BLACK WASP.
b. Handles all worthy matters with absolute fairness.
c. Acts as the executive branch and has the power to veto any vote that is deemed unconstitutional.
c. Acts as the overseer to the club to ensure the bylaws are being followed within the book.
1.2. Chapter President
a. Acts as the head of the table during gatherings of the club.
b. Acts as the official representative of their respected Console.
c. Acts as the overseer to the club to ensure the bylaws are being followed within the book.
1.3 Vice President
a. Assumes the duties of the President in their absence.
b. Acts as the overseer to the club to ensure the bylaws are being followed within the book.
1.4 Secretary
a. Acts as sole editor of the clubs website, and makes necessary changes to it when needed based on church votes.
b. Works directly with the Overseers to ensure club meetings have proper notes available to the club.
1.5 SGT at ARMS
a. Responsible for maintaining order within the club to ensure the bylaws are being followed to their fullest ability.
b. Works directly with the Overseers to ensure club meetings have proper notes available to the club.
c. In charge of leading the club into wars, and working directly with the ambassador regarding relations with other clubs.
d. Leads a select group of veteran fighters called the War Horse's.
e. Establishes trials to be set to allow a member to become a War Horse.
1.6 Head of Prospects
a. Act as the lead agent in screening and overseeing the development of prospects into patched membership.
b. Works directly with prospect developers to ensure proper proceedings are in place
e. Establishes trials to determine whether a patched member is capable of handling the duties
1.7 Road Captain
1.8 Security Chief
1.9 Ambassador
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